Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chapter Twenty-One, Anyone?

I've reached Chapter Twenty-One, as the title of this post suggests.  The word count is about 81,000 half way through this chapter.  Exciting news, huh?  Even more exciting is that after this chapter, there are only four more left before my first book is done. 

This is huge for me.  I've never been able to finish anything before and now I'm on the verge of finishing my first novel.  I can't imagine what it is going to be like to type out that last word in the epiloge.  Of course, after that, there has to be some really intense editing. 

That is the one part I am not looking forward to.  You see, dear reader, I have yet to read all the way through my own book.  I can't really tell you what happens at a specific point in the book.  While I know what generally happened, I'm not too good at telling people what it's about.  How do you describe the last seven years worth of work in a few sentences?  I'm not quite sure that I can just yet. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share an update.  I will definitely need to get back to working on my blog.  Let's just hope the internet holds out long enough for me to do that.

And we'll call this a blog.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Here's to you!

Well, it's been a long, hard, uphill run but I've finally made it to official novel status (75,000 words).  At around 2:30 in the morning, I keyed that fateful word.  While this celebration is still in its unspoiled infancy, I'd certainly like to thank some people.

Firstly, I'd like to thank the dozens of people I've sent this work to in all of its various forms.  They put up with my constant hounding, pleading, begging and sometimes my bribery while they read The Hand of Fate.  Without your help, dear people, I would not have continued writing this novel (oh, there's that darling word).  This list of people includes, but is by no means limited to: Adam, Amber, Alex, Cameron, Jenn, Jess, Julie, Luke, Mom, Marisa Schuler, Marisa Von Ruden, Orion, Rachel, Tanya, Travis, and Mr. Yanek.  Many thanks to those of you that I forgot to mention. 

Secondly, I'd like to thank my coffee pot for all the delicious coffee it provided so my late nights didn't feel quite so late.

Thirdly, I'd like to thank Lea Hampton for inspiring me to push on with my novel.  Seeing her delight from finishing her novel gave me strength to continue on. 

Lastly and even though I know they won't ever get to really hear it, I have to thank the characters.  Without their corroboration, I'd have been stuck in Chapter Zero for much longer than what I already was.

While it is not much, I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.

Much love to all of you.